Brand Voice Worksheet

Your target audience needs to understand you clearly, just like you were speaking to each one of them directly.
They need to recognize you ...
Get you. Feel as if they know you. Like you.

Become familiar with you.  

Most importantly: They need to learn to trust you. It's the only way you can solve their problem.

You do all this with reliable, consistent communication.

A big part of that communication is developing your brand voice
— the way you talk as a business. And what you say about your business, your products and your services.

Learning how to do that is necessary to creating loyal customers.

But not everyone can be a world-class writer.

And among those who are pretty darn good at writing,
not everyone has a strong background in copywriting or marketing communication.

That's not your fault if you don't, of course. 
Hey, no one can be an expert in everything!

It doesn't mean you have a weak business concept or skills. Clearly, you have very good skills. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading any business-building stuff at all.

It just means you want some assistance in this area. 
And that's what I designed this worksheet to do for you.

Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's the correct way to do things. Trying to do everything yourself is the inefficient way. 


A positive attitude toward learning new things 
that empowers us to make amazing changes.

I've seen this with my own eyes teaching communication skills to 1000s of students with tools like my
Brand Voice Worksheet

As human beings, we use words every day of our lives. But we only get into the danger zone when we assume we're a lot more perfect at it than our real-life relationships indicate every day of our lives ... 

It may be embarrasing, but every one of us
 me included — can think of relationships we'd like to improve. That's what better communication can help us do.

This is why understanding and improving our communication is so important. 
And simply put, an organization is a bunch of relationships. A business is based on communication.

That's why I believe in making practice-filled tools to help you make those improvements


Over the years, I've hated seeing so many talented entrepreneurs lose business because they can't get their point across consistently with a familar, trustworthy brand voice ...

— and hearing employees and copywriters suffer because they couldn't figure out what the brand voice was supposed to be ... because there were no objective examples to point to. It was all in the business owner's head.

Look, it's never too late or too early to save yourself time, effort and tears.

This is the way to get your brand voice working for you. 

The Brand Voice Worksheet includes:
  • Section 1: Exercises to establish your brand voice, vocabulary and favorite expressions, as the persona who is speaking to your target customer persona.

  • Section 2: Exercises to practice and develop your brand voice.

  • Section 3: Exercises to use your brand voice to describe your business, products and services

  • Instructions for market testing strategies

  • An add-on option for 1-to-1 consultation with me

  • Recommendations for further development.


till December 31st

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Brand Voice Worksheet

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