Standards, Skills, Branding

For online entrepreneurs, business owners,
managers, focused professionals
โ€” and the people you work with.

Scroll down to see:

1.  Course Objectives
2. Course Description
3. Course Outcomes
4. Methodology 
5. Course Materials
6. Certification
7.  Price



  • Turn Your Brand Into a Name Your Customers and Partners Are Proud To Be Associated With

  • Turn Your  Employees Into Your Client Magnet Team

This course is different from the usual email courses advertised on the net, which are mostly about marketing. Marketing and sales are essential to all businesses.

But a successful business
requires many more kinds of communication.

Customer service, after-sales service, partner relations, investor relations, supplier relations ... These are just a few areas of business communication where you need to show professionalism and consistency, and demonstrate great people skills.  

This course empowers you to:
- Save time and reach goals efficiently
- Keep everyone on the same page
- Keep everyone feeling valued and respected
- Make good decisions with clear information
- Build trust with consistency
- Build belief in your brand



I have spent over 20 years testing this course in 100s of companies and classrooms to make it the most useful to you.

As one of my former MBA students said:
"Finally, a course that satisfies the actual communication needs in a business."

Learn a complete set of concise, adaptable standards and language for business email and chat communication โ€” standards that promote good, clear, concise communication while being easy to write and easy to read.

If you are a solo entrepreneur, you will learn how to turn these standards into a powerful strategy that builds up belief in your brand with consistent professional communication.

If you are an employer or manager, these standards will engage your team in internal branding every time they write an email.

Once you implement this strategy in your company, as your own editorial guidelines, you professionalize yourself and a group of working people into a team who are proud of what your brand stands for.

You will have established a solid foundation for the dream team that can grow with you.

This is my most-requested course.


Because people work best when they believe in the meaning of their work and feel confident in knowing how to do it.

Your partners and customers will appreciate this.

In the 20+ years Iโ€™ve been exploring methods for improving internal communications and reinforcing brand identity, I found this one thing true:

People are looking for good human connections,
and we always have been.

In the Age of AI, authentic connection has become more urgent. Employees stay with organizations they feel a part of. Customers talk about businesses who listen to them. Without personalized, attentive communication in our emails and chats, we won't reach them like we used to.

You donโ€™t need to be a professor to get this.

I have already done the heavy lifting for you, turning difficult, complex subjects into an
easy system that is fun to learnโ€”and just as fun to show people how they can learn it too.

I look forward to you finding as much value in this course, just as the 1,000s of professionals who have studied it already.

Wayne Eldon Ludvickson II




You will:

  • Learn how to easily write better business emails through a system of professional standard structures and phrases.
  • Learn how to use these standards in a simple and powerful strategy for effective  and reliable communication in your organization, and with your customers and partners.
  • Learn how to customize standards and get your team engaged in the brand identity with every email they write.
  • Learn how this strategy positively shapes your organization with a culture of good communication, which leads to better decisions, better performing and loyal employees, and better relationships with partners and customers.
  • Learn how this course can be used in conjunction with my other communication courses to create consistency in all channels of your communication, to make your brand message well defined, strong and trustworthy.



Using a communicative approach, my courses are designed in concise levels with bite-sized lessons including experienced insights, useful practice and memorable mottos. This inspires learners and enables current and future business owners and managers to utilize them for training their own staff.


The course includes:

  • 6 Video Lectures with activities and practices classroom sessions
    Each video is 30-60 minutes and has subtitles feature enabled.
  • 14-Page Workbook with useful practices during and after class
  • 12+ Adaptable Templates to use in daily work situations
  • Bonus Referral Code to give others a 20% discount,
    and get you 
    50% cash back every time someone uses your code.


LESSON 1 - Professional Email Strategy
LESSON 2 -Address and Subject
LESSON 3 - The OBC (Structure and Phrases)
LESSON 4 - Formality in the O + C
LESSON 5 - Professionalize Your Reply
LESSON 6 - Manage Your Message



At the end of the course, students who successfully complete the final exam will receive my Certificate of Course Completion bearing my signature and the GoodSight logo.




GoodSight Business Communications Email
course is now US $97

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Get your SPECIAL THB 2,099 deal here!

My guarantee: If this mini-course does not satisfy you as promised, simply let me know and I will refund your purchase 100%, no strings attached.

Kindly note that this course is not a get-rich-quick scheme or guarantee of success. Results depend entirely on your understanding, practice and implementation of the strategy and tactics taught.

If you have any questions, I welcome you to ask me before ordering.

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ยฉ2024 W.E. Ludvickson II