
DIY Promo & Partner Program empowers you to expand your online business using simple tools like Google Forms with other low-cost , easy-to-learn systems.

This guide augments the do-it-yourself methods of collecting payment learned previously in my GoodSight DIY series.*

Create, set up, and use promotion codes and a referral program, with an affordable, relaxed system.

Offer your products and services comfortably, while growing your business with professionalism, respectful transparency and good communication.


DIY Promo & Partner Program is $7.00


Are you in Thailand?

*To use this guide effectively, I strongly suggest
using the system taught in DIY Online Payment System

My guarantee: If you can't get this system to work, I will personally
call you and walk you through setting it up successfully.

Hey, if you're inspired by DIY methods of reaching more people online, I put something together for you. My GoodSight DIY Bundle is 4 step-by-step guides to get you set up and offering your products within a single day.

All 4 for only $17.00

(Normally $23)


The GoodSight DIY Bundle includes:

Freebie Knowhow

Upload and share any free digital product to grow your online business. Click here to learn more.


DIY Automated Email Responder  

Set up a simple email automation in Google Forms to collect your respondents' emails and instantly send them your freebie link in a customizable email. Click here to learn more.

Normally $9.00

DIY Online Payment System

Set up a lowkey, comfortable and cardless method to receive online payments for anything you sell on the internet, from local and international buyers. Click here to learn more.

Normally $7.00

DIY Promo & Partner Program

Create, set up, and use promotion codes and a referral program, with affordable, relaxed system. Click here to learn more.

Normally $7.00

Start selling right away!  

The GoodSight DIY Bundle also comes with a unique Referral Partner promo code that rewards  others with a 20% discount and rewards you with 50% cash back every time someone uses it.
Learn More

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